Book Borrowing
Library users may borrow up to 6 books for 2 weeks at a time. Master’s level programme participants may borrow up to 8 books for 2 weeks at a time. Books will auto renew 3 times provided no other user has requested that book in the meantime. We can post books free of charge to borrowers in Ireland. Borrowers have responsibility for the cost and safe return of any items returned by post. Find out more.

Reference Service
Please feel free to reach out to us with reference or research questions. Contact us by email: knowledge@imi.ie to schedule a meeting.

Academic Support Sessions
We can offer a range of academic support sessions to help you with your studies, from referencing and bibliographies to planning your assignments. We can also tailor our sessions to your specific needs. If you and/or a group of your classmates would like to schedule a support session please let us know: knowledge@imi.ie

Comfortable Library Space
Our library space here on campus is available to be used by participants and members. We have a number of seating options, including open desks, study pods and more relaxed armchairs. You will also have the benefit of assistance from our knowledgable librarians. Everyone is welcome to use the library space Monday to Friday, particularly if you are looking for somewhere to get some focused work done. There is no need to pre-book.

You will need Adobe Digital Editions to borrow e-books.
Audio Books
You will need the Baker & Taylor Boundless App to listen to e-audio books. Android users can download it from the Google Play Store. Apple users can download it from the App Store.

Inter-Library Loans
We may be able to source books or articles from other libraries if they are not available from our collection.
Making an Application
You can always tick the option to add results beyond the library collection to your search. If you click into the detailed view of an article for which there is no full text you will typically see an option to the right: Request via Inter-library Loan. You can submit this form to the library. Alternatively, you can to contact the library directly. You should provide as much information about a request as you can, including:
- Title
- Author
- Year of Publication
And if it is an article:
- Volume & Issue Numbers
- Page Range
An inter-library loan costs €6.00. Payment can only be made by card.
Once the request has been submitted and paid for, the normal time for delivery for articles is typically no longer than 2-3 days. Articles are supplied in print. Books normally take 8-9 working days to arrive but this can be longer. The loan period for most books is 2-3 weeks but it possible that they may be recalled earlier. Some items may be for library use only at the request of the supplying library.
Returns / Renewals
Journal articles do not need to be returned. You should only ever return ILLs to IMI, never to the library of origin. Failure to return books on time may incur overdue costs or may prevent future loans. In general, inter-library loans cannot be renewed.
Overdue, Lost or Damaged
Other libraries will impose overdue fines on inter-library loans. These can be substantial. Any fines incurred will be passed on to the borrower. Libraries will impose very substantial charges if an item is lost or damaged. If they occur these charges will be passed on to the borrower. The borrower must inform the library if any harm comes to an inter-library loan in their possession or as soon as they suspect that they have lost an inter-library loan.
Information for Other Libraries
To make a request please email knowledge@imi.ie. For libraries which use the BLDSC billing system, the request code is DB/S-4.